Friday, August 8, 2008

2007 California trip 1

The California Trip
To end the old year and kick off the new, our family decided to take a trip up to California to visit our Grandparents over Christmas and New Year! It had been about twelve years since we had traveled up there as a family, so we were over due for a visit. We went through the usual Martinez packing routine, which in and of itself can be quite exciting! We ended up vacuum sealing most everything that could be to get it to semi fit, and then stuffed all the suit cases, blankets, pillows, extra jackets, sleeping bags, scuba gear, parachutes, one submarine, the kitchen refrigerator, two elephants, and six wild and slightly squashed Texans into the car. We weren't twenty minutes on the road when we remembered we forgot the piano, but we realized we would just have to face whatever adventures lay ahead without it. Thankfully we did not forget our twenty first century version of the star of Bethlehem, that is our GPS, who's name is Miss Garmin. Without Miss Garmin we might still be lost hauling that submarine somewhere in the Arizona desert.

Look at that beautiful blue Texas sky!

We really loved West Texas! It had such a wild beauty!

We made it through the first day with only one little adventure. We nearly ran out of gas in the desert! We got to sit and watch the computer's miles till empty reading drop and drop. When we would go up hill it would say we had three miles left to go, when we got on flat land it might spike to seven. And yet there was nothing but desert as far as the eye could see. We finally found a gas station with 1 mile left to go! And we were all relieved that we would not have to camp with the coyotes!

Who would have thought you would find the star of Bethlehem in El Paso? Sure enough there it was! Shining hundreds of feet above the city. They had it on the side of a mountain, but in the pitch darkness it really did look like it was suspended in midair. We drove through New Mexico the first night and started our second day in Arizona.

Good morning Arizona!

We really liked Arizona's big cactus!

The most amusing thing we saw in Arizona was an advertisement for a shrimp farm! How they raise shrimp in the desert beats me, but I guess they manage!We somehow did not manage to get any pictures of the scenery once we reached California, but that might be because it was all covered up by a sand storm when we got there. We finally reached our destination at 11:30 PM West coast time. Boy were we tired!


Lauren said...

Howdy Martinez family, (By which is meant 90% Johanna!)

I liked this post and am thrilled you have started this blog!(Johanna)You write so humorously, I was chuckling the whole time! I am definitely looking forward to new posts and will be adding you to my blog roll if that's okay by you?

Lauren Ashley

SavannahLynn said...

love the blog Martinez!!