Saturday, November 2, 2013
Monday, June 15, 2009
A long over due post!
Sorry I have not posted since some time around 558 B.C. I think y'all are all use to my spasmodic posting by now, but I am sorry anyway! Below are the pictures from our trip to Dallas in May, hopefully there will be more post soon to come that might bring this poor neglected blog up to date!
Visiting the E. Family!
Savannah and our one and only Lil' Wrangler Joel!

Lauren, as beautiful as ever! :)

While we were up there we introduced The E. Family to Imaginiff.

Smiling Rebecca

Rebecca and I playing imaginiff

Savannah and Lauren playing Imaginiff and Savannah taking the above pictures.

Nathan helping fold laundry

The boys playing the infernal "Babylon X-box of death" as it has been lovingly named. After hours of hearing, "all the noise, noise, noise, noise" preceding from the before mentioned contraption; Lauren and I thought it might be a good idea to found the first X-box temperance society! :)
Ladies in the kitchen.

Rebecca serving sandwiches as Lauren sets the table.

Enough food for an army was needed to feed all of us.

Sweet Rebecca

Nathan rough housing with Robert

Savannah and her Guitar

The Gents playing basketball

while the ladies inside give a sigh of relief that they temporarily don't have to talk over the X-box!

A trip to the museum
The 19th and 21st Century collide!
Styling Belles
Much to our younger sisters' horror (they did not want to be embarrassed by association) Lauren and I went all out in our costumes to go to the Texas Civil War Museum in Fort Worth.

On the way to the museum

Such darling little chipmunk cheeks!

Pretty hair

Sweet Caroline

When we reached the museum we watched a really good 30 minute video on Texas' part in the War between the States. I wish they had it on YouTube so I could post it!

Calvin and I intently staring into the contents of the glass, a bit like children at a toy shop!
Some rather old but hansom uniforms!
I was surprised how small people were back in the eighteen hundreds. Most of the uniforms looked like they were for over grown boys today!
Here we have several of Gen. J.E.B Stuart's personal belongings. Spurs, watch, and even a lock of hair his wife took.
"Jine the Cavelry!"

The museum was just full of Uniforms, guns, sabers, and nick-nacks and curiosities of every description!
A Keppie
The personal belongings of Charles W. Marshal
Necessary Accouterments
Bugles, Drums, and Fifes, Galore!
Fascinated and interested in something
Dragoon Sabers
An interesting fact about Terrie's Texas Rangers is that unlike most Cavalry units they rarely used sabers at all. They were generally armed with short rifles, shot guns, and multiple sixshooters a piece, and they made it their habit not to let the enemy get close enough to have to use sabers in hand to hand combat.
Soldiers' Bibles
Lauren and Johanna
Rebecca and Savannah
The Stars and Bars

Here we GRITS are standing in front of a piano that was bought by Jefferson Davis for his niece.

This dress looks like it jumped right out of one of Augusta Jane Evans' novels!

The museum had a whole room full of dresses from the late nineteenth century.

Here Savannah told Lauren and I to look glum like all the ladies in the old pictures!

That's a little better!

Here Rebecca and I are shamelessly waltzing in the museum! Lauren and I of course started it and poor Rebecca was corrupted by our influence!

"They have arms and legs enough between them, and are the silliest girls in all England"
Mr. Bennet

Out side the museum

Our southern Mansion!

All good things must come to an end, and tis time to say goodbye again.
Adios Amigas!
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